"Adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex."
-Oscar Wilde

March 8, 2015

You Are Beautiful

Society has created an image of beauty that I find to be very misleading. There is even a Golden Ratio that "defines" perfect proportions. We have created a example of perfection that the majority of the world's population does not, and will never fit into. I don't believe in society's image of beauty. I believe that beauty is imperfection. I don't think that there is any such thing as perfection, other than all the small and large imperfections being classified as perfect. I know I'm not perfect. I look much different than most girls at my school. But that doesn't make me any less beautiful or them any more.

I think that flaws make the things interesting. Maybe that's why I've learned to accept mine. It's curious for me to see my peers unaware of their effect and the way they downplay their own traits and characteristics. I don't understand why they would do this. My only guess is that society is at fault. They have drilled these false images into everyone's mind, including that of a teenager. As a result, we are no longer happy with who we are and constantly try to force a change. Not all change is good.

The change I try to ingrain into myself, is to be a better person but retain my original values and traits whether they be good or bad. By doing that, I can help others along the way. But, what I've noticed is that people are trying to be a whole other person. Someone who would no longer be in any way similar to the beautiful person they once were. Now they are just fake.

So I encourage all to love yourself. Yes, that's easier said than done, but if you can find something that you really love about yourself and channel in all of your will to love it, I think you'll begin to see how beautiful you actually are.

To drive my point home at school, I decided to set up a small project. I hand wrote over 150 notes that said, "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL" and taped them to every locker in the 8th grade with the help of one other student. This was done anonymously except for the 8th grade teachers. I am so proud of the outcome and reactions that were expressed the morning all of the students walked in.

I honestly don't know how I got myself to do this. I don't consider myself a nice enough person to put this project together and I did seriously consider backing out the day before. But, I had already contacted the student that helped me, my science teacher, and everything was already made. So thank you all who help keep this anonymous and thank you to the two people who helped me out.

You are beautiful.


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