"Adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex."
-Oscar Wilde

April 5, 2015


Where is the line between insanity and creativity?

This is obviously a question of many perspectives and answers, but I think it's one that not many people consider. Is insanity creativity? Is creativity insanity? Does creativity derive from insanity? Can creativity lead us to insanity? Can you have both? Does that make you different? Better or worse? 

Personally I believe that everyone has a creative fraction to them, even if it is found in the most unexpected of places. I also believe that everyone has the potential of insanity, and whether or not it is teased out is up to fate. I think that those people whose insanity has been exposed to the world have a larger capacity of diverse thoughts. When you are thinking differently, and maybe a little crazily, you see things in a different light than most. It's almost like you can unlock the world's secrets and do something with that information because you're crazy and you can see these things. And out of those people, I think everyone sort of has a variation of this insanicreativity (Yes, that is my new word. Don't judge me.) based solely on their past experiences and emotion. Tourtured souls are definitely going to be taking either an I'm-going-to-make-sure-nobody-else-has-to-go-through-what-I-did approach to things or a screw-it-everyone-has-to-suffer approach. Or if we're talking artistically, (any kind) this is where you're going to find those passionate, meaningful pieces. And in some cases, this vast amount of passion and thought leads people to insanity, or even more so than they already were. And then those who are truly mentally ill have a view that is impossible to duplicate. There's no limit to their minds and actions. No consequence.

Then again, I believe everyone is a little insane inside. Some people just let it consume them. Those are the people we call crazy.

I might have gotten off topic... That's alright though. 

What do you guys trhink about insanicreativity?


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